Monday, 22 October 2012

Point 5: Practical Considerations

Time plan:

Time plan:
I have made this sheet (above) featuring both important things that need doing, but fun stuff as well - having something to look forward to will keep me working well. I have also begun to give myself monthly goals - 'i.e. by this date have done this' - not a rigid day-by-day plan, (because life is life and plans change), but by giving myself things I must do, I will get them done and organise myself as I go. 

I find it very helpful to create lists, but often write on different scraps of paper, which can lead to multiple copies of the same thing in different reasons. Because of this, I am trial-ing a free time-management website, which lets you create separate lists within the same account, with various colour and size 'warnings' when things are due.

Materials I will need:
I am already equipped with some basic art materials (pencil, paper, sketchpads etc.) which I can use for my rough work and print sketches. In order for me to know what are the best materials needed for printing (i.e. paper) I will have to research more into the technicalities of printing. I will be able to use some University supplies for screen-printing (i.e. Photocopier, mesh-screen, acrylic for printing), but I will have to look into buying my own in order to do more experiments (i.e. different paper types - coloured, textured etc.).

Skills I will need to learn:
As well as doing my own screen-printing experiments, I will be looking into 'Riso' printing (which works in similar way to screen-printing, by using stencils) provided for my specialist printers, depending on the cost, batch numbers etc. I may also look into other printing methods (which I can either do myself, of send to a printing house).

I rarely work in a sketchpad, so if I create enough work to merit it, I will be producing hand-bound books for each print (filled with paper types, sketches, quick experiments, etc.) and if I don't make enough to merit separate books, I will make my own book with experiments in.

Before going into the Production of my prints, I will do some further experiments regarding colour, print size, and paper type. In order for me to organise my time well, I will time each stage of the process for one print - (Intitial sketch - triangle 'skeleton' - digital colouring and creation of separate colour layers - screen printing phase). This way I may be able to do manage my time, not just for my FMP, but for my other projects too, to know when I can do what (i.e if I have a free hour, I will know what I can get done in that amount of time). I have set myself a goal of having done at least half of my prints before the easter holidays, and that my experimenting (colours, paper quality, look more into print sizes) will also be done before easter, and before the final production of my prints. I will also have to find my most natural way of working - i.e. doing all the sketches for each print continuously, or doing all the work for one print at a time. This will be a process I will learn as I go. I will also need to know how many editions artists sell when creating a print, and how the number (and printing method, paper, etc.) effects the cost. I will find this out by talking to print artists at University, and possibly by contacting artists on the internet.

To best decide on what platform would be best for my prints, I will be going to more Art events (I went to the Birmingham Zine Festival as part of my Research Project) to look at prices and styles, and to talk to artists regarding their techniques, and what they charge. I would like to go to events further afield - i.e. events in London. I would also like to some independent art/print stores that sell rarer works. I already have Etsy and Redbubble accounts, which I have yet to fully utilise, but I hope to create an online store of some kind, once I am more used to their interfaces. I also follow a number of art blogs on the internet (some of which like to take artists submissions and showcase your work, with links to your website, online shop etc) which is another possible venue, once I have built up a body of high-quality work. I will be looking into Art fairs (such as Anguleme) where I can possibly sell my work.

Further applications:
I already have a few ideas into how my technique can be further applied, and will hopefully be using my method further in my 'Portfolio and Promotion' module, by possibly creating a postcard 'book' featuring my work on a smaller scale. I also have industry links with a printing shop in my home town where I have done previous work experience, and know of two people who own mug presses. I am looking into producing some mug designs (possibly for Anguleme) to sell at art fairs, instead applying it to creating origami forms, instead of realistic ones. The technique may also work in repeated patterns, which could be used in fabric or wallpaper design.

What next?:
After my PITCH today I will making a list of all the things I need to research regarding my FMP (printing methods, paper types, prices, etc) and will be producing some work for Anguleme over the Christmas holiday. 

for listening!

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